Office Etiquette
Proper behavior in the office is expected and demanded by companies. The transition between school and an office environment can be one of the most difficult challenges young professionals face. Accepted behaviors in a school setting are often unacceptable in a business environment. To assist in making this difficult adjustment easier Business Savv-E is going to provide information to assure acceptable office behavior. We will talk about these three major office etiquette issues: Office Noise, Office Language, and Respecting Co-workers.
Office Noise
Office noise is a major problem when working for businesses that have open air cubicles. If you are known for or ever been informed you have a strong or loud voice, you will need to pay special attention to your speaking volume. Otherwise, rules to remember include attempting to hold meetings in conference rooms whenever possible and talking on the phone in a low volume level. Abiding by these simply rules will avoid any unnecessary noise and keep your fellow co-workers happy.
Office Language
Using proper language in the office is one of the toughest transitions for most students. Students are typically use to using informal, slang, or inappropriate language. While these forms of language are acceptable around friends, in the business environment use of these types of language can prove to be embarrassing and can make you sound unintelligent. Therefore, we recommend you practice using proper or formal business language so you will not have to try to break a bad habit but rather continue with a good habit.
Respecting Co-workers
The following is a list of tips that should help you improve your office etiquette by being able to work better in a group setting with co-workers. This list is adapted from Tyson Foods, Inc. list of "The Ten Tenants of Dignity and Respect."
· Listen to Co-workers: Stop what you are doing, look at the person who is speaking, and think about what you are going to say before you interact.
· When working in a group give POSITIVE feedback as well as negative feedback. Let people know how they are doing on their job.
· While working in a group ask co-workers for his/her suggestions.
· In a group environment always explain your instructions. Tell co-workers that are assisting you Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
· Always perform follow ups, do not count on anyone else to do this for you.
· Treat everyone equally, everyone wants to be treated as equals.
· Never use profanity - "PLEASE DON'T DO IT" -as mentioned in office language.
· Never yell at co-workers.